For only $33.99 you get this Great Britain Marvel Presentation Pack that was issued on March 14, 2019. The presentation pack includes the following:
A front and back page shown below gives a description of each of the set of 10 super hero stamps. These stamps are in a se-tenant format that is included with the front page in a clear plastic mount that is attached to the page. The set of ten stamps is a collection of 10 Marvel Super Heroes. The names of each are listed in the bottom left corner of each stamp.
A Miniature sheet of 5 is also included with the presentation pack that features 9 well known super heroes in comic strip format. They include: Captain Britain, Nick Fury Jr., Thanos, Thor, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Iron Man and Hulk. A description of each is also depicted on the back of the card. The miniature sheet is inserted in a clear plastic mount that is attached to the front of the card.
Super Hero Comic Strip Stickers are also included with this presentation Pack. They are shown in a picture below.
Note: to view our news article about this issue Click Here

Page 73

Presentation Pack Front Page with
Set of 10 Stamp Set

Presentation Pack Back of Front Page

Presentation Pack Miniature Sheet
with Front and Back of Card

Presentation Pack
Super Hero Comic Strip Stickers

Stamp Product order number ID: SMA569

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