For only $39.99 you get this Australian Post dragonflies minisheet plus the China International Collection Expo 2017 issue of 4 dragonfly minisheets. The Australian issue minisheet features 4 different dragonflies and 1 damselfly; while the China issue features four different minisheets that depict 4 different dragonflies in all. On the China minisheets you will notice that three of the minisheets have one stamp with a picture of the stamp directly above it. The forth China minisheet has three stamps in it. Each of China minisheets and stamps have been printed with foil giving them a reflective appearance when put under light or in the sun. The Australian minisheet has no foil and has been printed using the offset lithography process. It is the top minisheet depicted below with 5 stamps. China minisheets are depicted 2nd through 5th from top down. Each of the dragonflies and damselfly on the minisheet is listed below:
  • Beautiful Petaltain (petalura pulchettima)
  • Jewel Flutterer (Rhyothemis resplendins)
  • Australian Tiger (Ictinogomphus australis)
  • Scarlet Percher (Diplacodes haematodes)
  • Arrowhead Rockmaster (Diphlebia nymphoides) Note: this is a damselfly and is only on the Australian minisheet.

Stamp Product order number ID: SMA565
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