Foreign Stamp Identifier Keyword Index

Find the keyword on the stamp. Then find it in this keyword index. Click the link to the right of the keyword and the country the stamp is from will be displayed. If you have a stamp keyword that you think should be added to this stamp keyword index, please send your keyword and the country it is from to our e-mail address Thank you for your support.



C Keywords Country Link
C Identifier
C.; Currency Identifier
Cabo Identifier
Cabo Jubi; Ovp Rio de Ore Identifier
Cape Juby; Ovp Spain Identifier
Cape Juby; Ovp Spanish Marocco Identifier
Cabo Verde Identifier
Cahatophymb Identifier
Caicos Islands Identifier
Chlchi; Ovp Italy Identifier
Calimno; Ovp Italy Identifier
Callao Identifier
Cambia Identifier
Cambodge Identifier
Cameroons U.K.T.T.; Ovp Nigeria Identifier
Campeche Identifier
Campionaria De Tripoli Identifier
Campionaria De Tripoli Identifier
Canton; Ovp Indo-China Identifier
Carchi; Ovp Italy Identifier
Caso; Ovp Italy Identifier
Castellorosso Identifier
Castelrosso; Ovp italy Identifier
Cauca Identifier
Cavalle; Ovp France Identifier
C.C.C.P. Identifier
Cechy A Morava Identifier
C.E.F.; Ovp Cameroons Identifier
C.E.F.; Ovp India Identifier
Centenaire Algerie Identifier
Centenaire Du Gabon Identifier
Centesimi; Currency; Ovp Austria Identifier
Centesimi; Currency; Ovp Bosnia and Herzegovina Identifier
Centisimi; Currency Identifier
Centesimi; Italian Colonies Identifier
Centesimi Di Corona; Currency; Ovp Italy Identifier
Centesimi Di Corona; Currency; Ovp Italy Identifier
Centimes; Currency; Ovp Germany Identifier
Centimes; Currency; Ovp Austria Identifier
Centimos; Currency Identifier
Centimos; Currency; Ovp France Identifier
Ceska-Republika Identifier
Chesko-Slovenska Identifier
Cesko-Slovensko Identifier
C Dpto. Zelaya Identifier
C F A; Ovp France Identifier
C F A Identifier
C. G. H. S.; Ovp Germany Identifier
Chala; Ovp Peru Identifier
Chamba State Identifier
Charkari State Identifier
Chemins De Fer Spoorwegen Identifier
Chihuahua Identifier
Chiffre Taxe Identifier
Chiffre Taxe Identifier
China; Ovp Hong Kong Identifier
China; Ovp Germany Identifier
Chine Identifier
Chine; Ovp France Identifier
China; Ovp Inod-China Identifier
Chinese Empire Identifier
Chinese Imperial Post Identifier
Chios Identifier
Christmas Island; Ovp Australia Identifier
C1. H. S.; Ovp Germany Identifier
Cilicie; Ovp France Identifier
Cilicie; Ovp Turkey Identifier
Cinquantenaire 24 Septembre; Ovp French Colony Identifier
Cinquantenaire 24 Septembre; Ovp New Caledonia Identifier
Cirenaica; Ovp Italy Identifier
C-I-S; Ovp Schleswig Identifier
Ciskei Identifier
C.M.T.; Ovp Austrian Identifier
CN; Currency Identifier
Cochin Identifier
Cochin Anchal Identifier
CO. Ci.; Ovp Jugoslavia Identifier
Colis Postal Identifier
Colis Postaux Identifier
Colon Chile Identifier
Colonia De Rio De Oro Identifier
Colonia Eritrea Identifier
Colonial Italiane; Ovp Italy Identifier
Colonie Italiane; Ovp Italy Identifier
Coloniali Italiane Identifier
Colonies Postes Identifier
Comite Francais De La Liberation National Identifier
Commission De Gouvernement Haute Silesie Identifier
Commission Interalliee Marienwerder; Ovp Germany Identifier
Comore Identifier
Companhia De Mocambique Identifier
Companhia Do Nyassa Identifier
Comp De Mocambique; Ovp Mozambique Identifier
Comunicaciones Identifier
Condominium New Hebrides Identifier
Confed Granadina Correos Nationales Identifier
Confoederatio Helvetica Identifier
Congo Identifier
Congo Belge; Ovp Du Congo Identifier
Congo Belge Identifier
Congo Francais Identifier
Congo Francais Gabon Identifier
Congo Republique Du Identifier
Congo Republique Du Identifier
Congreso De Los Diputados Identifier
Congreso Internacionalde Ferrodarriles Identifier
Consnantinople; Ovp Russia Identifier
Constantinopie; Ovp Russia Identifier
Constantinople; Ovp Russia Identifier
Constantinopoli; Ovp Italy Identifier
Coo; Ovp Italy Identifier
Cook Is'Ds; Ovp New Zealand Identifier
Cook Islands; Ovp New Zealand Identifier
Cook Islands_Niue Identifier
Corean Identifier
Coree Identifier
Corfu; Ovp Greece Identifier
Corfu; Ovp Italy Identifier
Corona; Currency; Ovp Italy Identifier
Corona; Currency; Ovp Italy Identifier
Correio Identifier
Correio India Identifier
Correios Do Brasil Identifier
Correios E Telegraphos Identifier
Correios Portugal and India Identifier
Correo Aereo Identifier
Correo Espanol Tanger; Ovp Spain Identifier
Correo Montevideo Identifier
Correos Identifier
Correos Identifier
Correos Identifier
Correos Identifier
Correos Identifier
Correos Columbia Boyaca Identifier
Correos De Antioqua Identifier
Correos De Bolivia Identifier
Correos De Bolivar Identifier
Correos De Chile Identifier
Correos De Colombia Identifier
Correos De Costa Rica Identifier
Correos De Cundinamarca Identifier
Correos De Honduras Identifier
Correos Del Departamento De Santander Identifier
Correos Del Estado Del Tolima Identifier
Correos Del Peru Identifier
Correos El Salvador Identifier
Correos Franco Identifier
Correos Interios Identifier
Correos Nacionales Identifier
Correos Oaxaca Identifier
Correos Paraguay Identifier
Correo Territorio De Ifni Identifier
Correos Y Telegs Identifier
Correos 1854 Identifier
Correspondencia Urgente Identifier
Correo Urbando De Bogota Identifier
COS; Ovp Italy Identifier
Costa Atlantica B.; Ovp Nicaragua Identifier
Costa Atlantica C.; Ovp Nicaragua Identifier
Cote D'Ivoire; Ovp Upper Volta Identifier
Cote D'Ivoire Identifier
Cote De Somalis Identifier
Cote Francais Des Somalis Identifier
Cote Fr Se Des Somalis Identifier
Cpbnja Identifier
Cpbcka Identifier
C. Poste O S Identifier
Cruz Roja Dominicana Identifier
Cruz Roja Hondurena Identifier
Crveni Krst; Ovp Jugoslavia Identifier
Croissant Rouge Turc Identifier
Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa Identifier
Cs De Eo Identifier
Cs De Peso Identifier
Ct; Currency Identifier
Ctot; Currency Identifier
Ctotnhkn; Currency Identifier
Cuautla Identifier
Cuba; Ovp United States of America Identifier
Cuernavaca Identifier
Cundinamarca Identifier
Curacao; Ovp Netherlands Identifier
Curacao Identifier
Cuzco; Ovp provisional issues Arequipa Identifier
C.X.C.; Ovp Bosnia and Herzegovina Identifier
C.X.C. Identifier

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